Saturday, May 29, 2010


So, here I am today... again, just chilling out at work. I had to work all day yesterday and again I have to work all day today! I love people that call off and expect you to just fill in... I got to change two of my lessons, cancel one of them, miss a concert that four of my students where playing in, and one of the songs was a song that I arranged for them. Wen I went to the school the next day to teach, the had gotten me flowers! HOW SWEET! So I'm am just so upset about this. I feel like an awful teacher because I could not be there for my students! On top of it, Thursday, I had to go in to work on my day off to work for this person that keeps calling off! Then yesterday and today I get to work open to close by me self! SO not fun!

Well, at least it is very slow today. I can spend all of my time on my computer! There is really nothing to do right now but mop... I didn't do that yesterday because what do I care if the floor in the back is a mess? As long as it is swept, I'm ok... I will mop today before I leave so it looks good on Tuesday for the opener.

I love my iPod, just let me say that ha ha! I got it just for here, so I don't have to listen to NPR! That is so annoying wen all you can do is just sit there and listen to the same story over and over. It is just maddening I tell you! I only have the 16 gig, but it is doing just fine for now. I only have like 3 gigs of free space left, but its ok. I'm just really happy that I don't have to listen to NPR now :D

Betta update, I let the female and the male out together to "play" and the girl got really frisky and destroyed the bubble nest! What a B*&#%! Hahaha. So now I have to separate them again, so he can rebuild his nest. Wen that's done, I will let the try to play again. Till than, nothing too exciting. (This photo is Punjab, my male betta.)

OMG! I am so bored, just look at what I have been blogging about! If you have read this far... you must have no life, and I am truly sorry lmao. You should call me, and we can have no life together! HAHAHA! There are not even any cute people coming in today. All of the cute ones must be headed to their party's in other states and what not. I wish I had something to do on Memorial Day. Oh well, I guess this is what my life is supposed to be like, spending my days with my cat and my fish and making coffee for ugly people lmao. I need a drink... something stronger than coffee!

Maybe wen I get off work today, I will go for a walk in the park. That sounds like a good time. Maybe I will grab my dog and take him with :D I bet he would like that. I love Frog Island, it's so pretty! I have done a lot of writing out there. I have a bench over there that I sit on all of the time. It faces the river and it is very relaxing. Just sit down, watch the river flow by on its way to the lakes, than to the ocean, and have a smoke wail I contemplate my life haha! I always take along a tablet of staff paper just in case I get an idea and I have to write it down. I will need to change first if I am going. I don't want to go to the park in jeans and a white button up that I got in Germany ha! I would get them dirty and than I would be forced to cry :( Don't ask me why I'm wearing white in a coffee shop, but I am. It seemed like the thing to do. I have not worn this shirt in a long time.

Oh my, This post is getting to be very long! I wonder how long this thing will be by six pm today HAHA that's when I get off work. I'll probably stop playing on this thing around two and start doing my closing stuff so I can get out of here at six. Yesterday I got out at five after. It takes most people about a half hour to close. I don't understand how it takes them that long. If you are very slow, there is no reason why you can't be out by five or ten after.

BAH! People keep coming in, looking at the food menu, than shaking their head in dissapproval and leaving without saying a word to me! I try to be polite, and ask how their day is going, and try to help them decide on some food, and nothing! Just a dirty look and a head shake! Good morning to you too, jack ass! BAH! Some times I just want to tell people to F#@% off! It would make my day so much better :D but alas I can not do this... at least if I want to keep my job... HAHA. I just realized that I am using a picture a paragraph. That's a bit of overkill don't you think? Oh well, I like the pictures! They make me smile :D I just have really, nothing to do right now. I have been here for about an hour and a half, and I have only had two people actually buy something.

What the hell with with all of these little kids taht think they are rapers? I just don't understand. PULL UP YOUR PANTS!!!! I don't want to the underware that your mommy got for you. I know you thik your junk is so big that you need the extra room... but I am 100% sure a 14 year old white boy dose not have junk that hangs to his knees... or anyone for that matter! PULL THEM UP! If you have to wattle wen you walk thateres an issue... Can any one explain this to me? I don't understand this fasion choise among young men... By the way, I really like this monkey, I jsut think he is so cute bahaha! call me wierd if you want, I am ok with that, but he is cute :p

I love to smoke... I just realized that. I don't really know why I love to do it, but I do. I really just can not find a better feeling than a long slow drag on a cigarette. I love how it can relax me from a stressful day, and just bring me back to my senses. I just love it. I'm going to go out right now and have a smoke. Than I will probably go out for another one in about a half hour ha ha! I love this Marlboro print ad too ha ha! I wonder why ;) I bet this guy is either sixty years old now, or dead... But he is still a good looking fella bahaha! I'm going out to smoke a Marlboro Medium now. I hate it wen your about to go out side for a smoke, and you get like five people that decide to come in all at the same time! How annoying! Now I'm going out ha ha!

BAHAHAHA I am very happy now. All that I have made so far are Frappes and Italian Sodas! So far, I don't have any dishes to wash :D (knock on wood) What luck :D But I am wondering what these people are thinking wen they buy cloths. Hawaiian print shirts are not ok... not at all. I don't know who told this woman that it was ok to purchase this shirt... its a very bad idea.... and she had matching shorts to go with it! AHH! Rip my eyes out now please! At least this poorly dressed woman used a mug instead of a paper cup, and she tipped me a dollar. However that dose not forgive her bad fashion seance. Whats even worse is the men that insist on wearing camo shorts with Hard Rock Cafe shirts! Camo is never ok... not to me at least. You can only wear camo if you need to hide from someone or something. I don't think this man needs to be hiding at the moment... I admit, some people can pull it off... but the vast majority that try to... really can't. So, note to the world, just say no to camo!

Well I guess this is all that I am going to write today. This is way to long at the moment so I guess I will pretend to be doing some work. I really dont have any to be doing at the moment... so ya... oh well. Maybe I will go have another smoke HAHA Blog ya later!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well here it is... yet another Tuesday. Stuck here at work. This construction by my work is killing our business! I have only had four or five customers in the past TWO hours! That is insanely slow my friends! I'm just really happy that I can get online between customers.

Well I have a bunch of fish now. I have two... yes, two fish tanks. I have a twenty gallon and a six gallon. The larger one has about fourteen fish in it... there's about five different species in there. The other tanks is for my beautiful Betta fish. The male (Punjap) is bright blue with black on his body, and the female (Sharma) is read, purple, and black. They are going to be having little baby bettas soon. I don't know why I have gotten so into this fish thing, but for some reason I just love it... ya, I'm a dork. I guess having these fish is sort of a hobby. Music is my profession, so I need a hobby completely not related to my job HAHA!

These are a some pictures I found on the web. They are not my fish, but look very similar to them... Call me what you will, I like my fish and they like me back :p

Other than getting these fish, there really is nothing the interesting about my life at the moment. Its rather an unfortunate circumstance really.

Last night was my old high school band directors last band concert! She is officially retiring after this school year is out. We where all sad to hear about it, and a lot of the alumni came out to hear the concert and wish her well. Now I know that I will be seeing her a lot. I often to gigs at her church and she plays trumpet with me. Normally she is of first and I am on second part, but its all ok with me. I always have fun playing these gigs... they are paid also! How can you beet that?

Right now I am reading "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett. This book is so good! I highly suggest that if you have the time, pick it up and read it. It's a page turner to be sure! I just saw on a commercial on Starz, that they are making it into a mini series/movie :D I am so excited to see it... I want to know how badly they butcher the book HAHAHA!

Well I am getting absolutely nothing done here. All I am doing is just sitting here playing with this blog, and watching the cute guys walking in and out of the library. What a cool job I have. I get to just sit here and do just about anything I want to, just as long as I get all of the cleaning done on time. There are so many gays here today. This is a little odd for the library on a Tuesday. I wonder if my favorite customer will come in today... keep those fingers crossed! Well, I suppose that I should be going now I actually have some work to do :( Boo Hoo. Blog ya later!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Well this is awkward

Well I guess I failed my challenge. Oh well, I had a good start, but got too lazy. Today I'm working... BAH! It's ok though, I'm bringing a lot of food to eat. I'm cooking right now, I'm making Prague Three Meat Goulash, with Apples in White Wine Syrup for desert. Its really good, I made this about a month ago, and it tasted amazing :D

As for my music, I really don't know whats going on with it right now. HA HA I just have not had any inspiration to write lately.

I AM A REAL TEACHER NOW! The school that I have been doing private lessons for is now putting me on their pay roll. I'm very excited. I go in tomorrow to give them all of my info and become official. How cool is that! I now have about 7 students and all of them are doing very well for their ages. Well I need to be going now before my goulash burns ha ha. Blog ya later!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh my

hmm I guess I really suck at this blog thing. It has been far too long since I have made a post... unfortunately there is no post today save my ranting about what I did so far today. I just bought a bunch of cd's at borders... I am quite satisfied with my purchase. Now I really want to go buy some fun new cloths. Should I go to the mall and shop there or should I go to some hole in the wall shops and just go thrifting for the day? Oh my, what to do.

I am quite excited to performe my trumpet solo for an audience :D this solo is so much fun! I LOVE IT! It is this marviouls little dittie by a Frenchmen, Paul Bounoe. It is a very enteresting piece of music litriture. I have been working on it with my pianist and it sounds quite good at the moment ha ha. I really cant wait to play it for real live people. I ahve to wait untill April :(
I really need to get working on some new music and coffee. I feel really bad that i have not been keeing up with this sight. It was a really good idea, but keeping up with it is hard as hell BAHAHA. I guess I fail at my challenge. Oh well, its not the end of the world, but I am really sad that Im not keepin up with it. Im so far behind its rediculous. Maybe I will catch up if I get my butt in gear. Well I guess thats all for now. Blog ya later....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Neapolitan Mocha

Today we have the Neapolitan Mocha. This drink is ok, I thinks its a little bland, just your run of the mill Mocha with some flavor added to it. The recipe is mocha, strawberry, and vanilla. Nothing too exciting. This picture by the way, is one of the well preserved ruins at Pompeii. I am not really sure how this relates to the Neapolitan Mocha.... but here it is ha ha!

The music today is just for one lonely piano. Nothing too fantastical. I tried to use the ever popular neapolitan chord in this on several occasions, and this is what came of it. Blog ya later.

Just an update now. Life is really not the best right now. I am taking an incomplete in my trumpet lessons because there is too much crap going on in the real world for me right now :( I guess I should be thankful that he is giving me an incomplete because I no longer have to worry about doing all of my lesson stuff, and I wont get a failing grade, witch will save my GPA in the end.

I have these shoes now that I got with a co-worker at value world. I really enjoy these boots. they are the sort that you have to lace up, and they also have a zipper on the inside of the ankle. They are a yellow brown leather, and they have that rustic look to them. I really enjoy these boots to no end. They kill my feet, but it is worth it to look good ha ha! Now all I need to do is to go shopping for some new cloths to go with them ha ha! Really though, I do need to buy some new cloths. All of the stuff that is in my closet is really crappy.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Berry Mocha

Today's drink is the ever popular Berry Mocha! This is a really tasty drink that I enjoy as well (than again, don't I say that about all of the drinks?). The recipe for this drink is simply mocha, raspberry, strawberry, and blackberry. You can either get one of the berry flavors, two, or all three of them if you would like. This is just so yummy, I really like it a lot.

The music for today is just for a simple string quartet... now don't get too upset, but this quartet is actually just one violin, one viola, one cello, and one double bass. I know I know, a standard string quartet has two violins, and no double bass, but what ever, I really don't care! HA HA!

Well I guess I suck at doing this whole blogging thing.... I am so far behind that it is ridiculous! This post makes 16 coffees and songs, when I should be at 26! Talk about being fail! I will really try to get more posts up very soon! I have to catch up some how!

On another note! I have been working so friggin much this past week! I have about 38 hours clocked in. I am sick of coffee for the week HA HA. Well, let me rephrase that, I am sick of making coffee... I still love to drink it. I should be very happy though. I have made $45 just in tips over the last 2 days. I am very proud of myself. I guess that is all for now. Blog ya later!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Boo Berry Latte

Well I guess I suck... a lot. I have not even been on here in about two days! WOW. Well here is the next coffee at last ha ha. This one is the Boo Berry Latte. The recipe is simply blue berry and toasted marshmallow. I like this one a lot. I know that I say that about all of the drinks, but what can I say, I don't discriminate. HA HA.

The music for today is for clarinet, bassoon, and piano. Its a cute little piece and I think it captures the cuteness of the boo berry latte. you let me know what you think. Blog ya later!