Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well here it is... yet another Tuesday. Stuck here at work. This construction by my work is killing our business! I have only had four or five customers in the past TWO hours! That is insanely slow my friends! I'm just really happy that I can get online between customers.

Well I have a bunch of fish now. I have two... yes, two fish tanks. I have a twenty gallon and a six gallon. The larger one has about fourteen fish in it... there's about five different species in there. The other tanks is for my beautiful Betta fish. The male (Punjap) is bright blue with black on his body, and the female (Sharma) is read, purple, and black. They are going to be having little baby bettas soon. I don't know why I have gotten so into this fish thing, but for some reason I just love it... ya, I'm a dork. I guess having these fish is sort of a hobby. Music is my profession, so I need a hobby completely not related to my job HAHA!

These are a some pictures I found on the web. They are not my fish, but look very similar to them... Call me what you will, I like my fish and they like me back :p

Other than getting these fish, there really is nothing the interesting about my life at the moment. Its rather an unfortunate circumstance really.

Last night was my old high school band directors last band concert! She is officially retiring after this school year is out. We where all sad to hear about it, and a lot of the alumni came out to hear the concert and wish her well. Now I know that I will be seeing her a lot. I often to gigs at her church and she plays trumpet with me. Normally she is of first and I am on second part, but its all ok with me. I always have fun playing these gigs... they are paid also! How can you beet that?

Right now I am reading "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett. This book is so good! I highly suggest that if you have the time, pick it up and read it. It's a page turner to be sure! I just saw on a commercial on Starz, that they are making it into a mini series/movie :D I am so excited to see it... I want to know how badly they butcher the book HAHAHA!

Well I am getting absolutely nothing done here. All I am doing is just sitting here playing with this blog, and watching the cute guys walking in and out of the library. What a cool job I have. I get to just sit here and do just about anything I want to, just as long as I get all of the cleaning done on time. There are so many gays here today. This is a little odd for the library on a Tuesday. I wonder if my favorite customer will come in today... keep those fingers crossed! Well, I suppose that I should be going now I actually have some work to do :( Boo Hoo. Blog ya later!

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