Friday, February 5, 2010

House Coffee

Well well well. Today we have our house coffee! It is a mild roast, and a blend of several different beans from around the world. It is quite yummy :D I enjoy it every now and then when I don,t feel like a fancy sugary latte. ha ha.

The piece for today is just for piano. I find it very relaxing and sweet. I like it a lot :D and I hope you do to :D

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cookies 'N' Cream

This one is called cookies 'n' cream! How yummie :D the recipe is just mocha, white chocolate, and cookie dough. It is quit tasty. I really suggest that all of you try this as soon as possible :D

The composition that goes along with this is just for piano. It is very short in length, its only two phrases. I may add more to it later, but oh well. For now what I have works just fine. I love this picture also, its making me very very hungry :p

One Night in Paris

Here is an attempt to catch up to my challenge. This recipe is called One Night in Paris. I really love this drink. All it is, is white chocolate and french vanilla. It has a very sweet taste to it and its very light and easy to drink. I must say this is one of my favorite drinks at my coffee shop.
On a side note, the french are very mean! :( I did not like them at all. They made me feel very unwelcome, and I did not enjoy my time there at all! Again, it was an awful time in Paris! (the city is very beautiful though)

The piece that I have written to go along with this is nothing that good. I like the Crazy Irishman much better than this one, but again, I did what I could. (pleas keep in mind I write these in a bout 10 min each). The instrumentation is clarinet, violin, and tuba. Clearly it is not the most common of instrumentation choices, but it works in some strange way.
As I was writing this, I was trying to picture floating down the river past the Eiffel Tower. Seeing all of the lights shining bright. I guess that translates into a waltz feel. Don't ask me how it works, but I think it does.

The Crazy Irishman

Today's coffee recipe is called the Crazy Irishman. I really like this one fore some reason. All it is, is Irish cream and hazelnut. Simple, yet delicious. I got this coffee this morning as I was taking one of my friends to the bus station. I'm very happy it is so good.
Just incase all of you don't know, the coffee shop I work at has a ton of syrups to choos from. You can either gat a drink that is on our menue, or you can look at our list of flavors and make your own concoction! I love this place ha ha! I have been comming here since 2005 and am now employed here. I must say, it is one of the better jobs I have had.

The piece for today is called "The Crazy Irishman" (hmm I'm seeing a trend ha ha). The instrumentation I have used for this is, flute, bassoon, tenor drum, and two violins. I tryed to use the very common real form for the piece, and I think I did an ok job of it. I really like the sound I got out of it. The next step is to get all of these peices I'm writin for this blog recorded. I hope all of you like it. I'm not to sure as to the cultural accuracy, but I did my best HA HA!

I'm really looking forward to sending off my ideas for the music to this short film. I really hope that these people like it. I would absolutely love to write the music for this film. I am still not too sure as to what sort of sound I should go for. Should I go for a classical sound? Or more of a John Williams sound? I really have no idea. I have only watched the first scene once though, maybe I should look at it again eh? ha ha! If any of you have any ideas, I would love to hear them. Again, this film is going to be about an apple, following it through the day as it passes hands form one person to another. Its a very artsy film. I like it so far.
The last film I did was a little short thing that one of my friends shot on their phone. It was really funny, the music that I put with it was this very sad and melodic melody, It didn't fit what was going on in the film at all, and that's what made it so funny ha ha! Well I guess thats all for today y'all. Blog ya later!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


WOO HOO I just got my computer back :D I am so happy you all have no idea :D now its time for bed. Blog ya later :D


soooo I might have a computer today... I have not gotten a call form the repair shop yet, but I hope I get one soon. I am really starting to get annoyed by having to use the computer lab in the morning. Lets keep our fingers crossed.

I recently got a job (about four or five days ago) to write a musical score for a short film called "The Apple". I really haven't done much work with film scores, but am really excited to try it out. I really need my computer to do it though. I haven't been able to contact them either :( NO TIME very sad indeed.
This film seems like it will be an okay one though. I have read the story line, and have seen the first seen, and I like what I see. It will for sure be one of the more interesting projects that I have worked on.

Today I sorta feel like Shiest! I just got out of my "lesson". I really did not have one, he had to change my lesson time so he could talk to a perspective new student here at EMU. THANK GAWD! I was sooooo not ready to play my lesson today. I really did not practice at all this week and would have stunk up that room soooo bad he might have just kicked me out :(. But now I'm going to have a lesson on Saturday morning at 8am right before work. I had better get practicing! I really can't fail my lessons. It would make me feel like shizit for sure.
Right now he has me working on two solos (one on C Trumpet and another on Piccolo Trumpet) and both of them are killing me. My Piccolo trumpet solo is a 16th century piece thats for trumpet in D, but im playing Piccolo in A, so now I have to transpose the entire solo :(. NOT FUN! Hopefully I can do it.

I am really not looking forward to playing catchup at the end of the week when I have my computer back. I have not been able to work on any music at all since I lost my laptop. I'm going to have to write a few songs a day untill I catchup to the challenge. I'm really not too sure if I can do it, but im going to try like hell ha ha! Any one have any ideas as to what coffee I should do next? Let me know, and I'll get to work on it as soon as I get my wonderfull computer back. Thats all for today. Blog ya later!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 4 of no laptop...

So this is really starting to suck... I have no laptop as you know from my last post. I am getting very annoyed. I am hopefully getting it back tomorrow :D YAY! If not tomorrow, Ill be getting it on Thursday. I'm going to be playing some serious catchup... So expect quite a few posts over a 3 or 4 day period... blog ya latter!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Soooooo I sorta got a really bad virus on my laptop, and now I have no way of writing any new music or posts till about Wednesday or Friday... it sorta sucks some major monkey balls :( I hope to catch up soon, Ill be spending a lot of time with my piano at the end of the week... HA HA.

Just a little update on my life...
I have been working a tun at the coffee shop I am now employed at... Its a lot of really good tips, but some people are really dumb... I just don't understand why these people are so silly and stupid... asking me how much everything is, than not getting anything, or just getting the cheapest thing there is... also they will ask me to make this super complex drink, when I have a line a mile long, and I go out of my way to make it wonderful for them and being super nice, then they don't even tip! The next time you go to a coffee shop... TIP YOUR BATISTA!!!! That is all...